Why does the Torah need to inform us that Bil'am saddled his ass?
Rashi #1: To teach us that, although his two servants accompanied him, he personally saddled it - in keeping with the adage 'Hatred causes a person to act inappropriately!' 1
Rashi: But Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu countered by referring to Avraham Avinu, who had preceded him, in a display of love - which also causes a person to behave unnaturally - arose early in the morning and personally saddled his donkey, to go to the Akeidah.
Why did Bil'am, who was a wealthy man (See Oznayim la'Torah) ride an ass and not a horse?
Targum Yonasan and Sanhedrin, 105a: Refer to 22:30:2:2.