
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words "ve?Atah, Sh?vu Na ? Gam Atem ? "?


"Rashi: "Gam Atem" implies that they (the second set of emissaries) wre destined to end up as disappointed as the first ones. 1


Rashi: Even though this may not be what he meant to say, 'his mouth tripped him up'.


What are the implications of "Mah Yosef Hashem Daber elai"?


Rashi: Acknowledging the fact that Hashem would not change from B'rachah to K'lalah, Bil'am expressed hope that He does not add to their blessings. He was unaware that this was a prophecy that Hashem would add to the B'rachos through him!


Is this what Bil'am told all the people who came to him with requests for B'rachos or K'lalos?


Oznayim la'Totah: Not at all! He responded to other clients with witchcraft, 1 which has the power to override the heavenly decree; 2 and it is only here, where the isssue concerned Yisrael - who are not affected by witchcraft, 3 that he was forced to turn to Hashem for permission.


Refer to 22:7:2:1.


As the Gemara states in Sanahedrin, 67b.


Oznayim la'Torah: As Bil'am himself will state later in 23:23, according to the Ramban.

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