
What is "ve'Lo Yechal'lu ? " referring to?


Rashi: It is referring to Kohanim feeding Terumah to Zarim. 1


Ramban #1: It is another warning against a Zar eating Kodesh. 2


Ramban #2: Based on the word "Yarimu", 3 it is a Lav against eating Tevel, together with the punishment of Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim.


Ramban #3 and Moshav Zekenim (citing the Sifra): It is a Lav against a Zar anointing himself with Terumah 4 , or drinking it.


Seforno: It is referring to a Yisrael who derives benefit from Kodshim that he himself designated. 5


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is referring to the Kohanim eating their Terumah be'Tum'ah.


Yerushalmi D'mai, 6:2: It is a Lav against desecrating T'rumos and Ma'sros by giving them to Kohanim and Levi'im who assist in the granary as payment for their services. 6


Refer to 22:15:151:1. See also Oznayim la'Torah.


Ramban: "B'nei Yisrael" is both the subject and the object ('The B'nei Yisrael should not desecrate the Kodshim of the B'nei Yisrael'). Oznayim la'Torah: Perhaps the Torah is adding a Lav on a Yisrael, against eating the Terumah that he hsas separated and not yet handed over to a Kohen. Refer to 22:15:2:3.


Refer to 22:15:2:1.


Moshav Zekenim citing R"Tz: This is a mere Asmachta that anointing is included in eating. It is mi'de'Rabanan, and the Chachamim did not decree in a case of pain. One who has boils on his head may anoint normally without concern. Therefore, one may anoint with Cheilev or a Tamei species if he has pain. If it is for pleasure it is forbidden mi'de'Rabanan, also for Ketanim. If a wet-nurse anoints a baby with Isur, we need not protest, and even if she feeds him do not stop a Katan from eating Neveilos. See Ramban and R. Chavel's footnotes.


Refer to 22:16:3:1**.


See Torah Temimah, note 100.


Why does the Torah write "Eis asher Yarimu ? " (future)?


Ramban (citing Sanhedrin, 83a): in order to add an additional Lav ? together with a Chiyuv Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim 1 - for eating Tevel, from which Terumah is going to be taken.


Chulin, 130b: It implies that a Zar who eats Tevel and a Levi who eats Ma'aser ffrom which he has not separated T'rumas Ma'aser are Patur from paying. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Based on the Ramban - Refer to 22:15:1:2* ? Since there is a Lav on the Zar who eats the Terumah that he has separated, the owners will immediately hand over their Terumos to the Kohanim, thereby avoiding desecrating Terumah in the future. 3


See Torah Temimah, note 101.


See Torah Temimah, note 102.


Refer also to 22:16:1:1*



Rashi writes that the Pasuk forbids feeding Terumah to Zarim. No such Lav is mentioned in the Gemara? Moreover, it is included in Lifnei Iver! And if so, we can explain "Vehisi'u osam Avon" simply; the Kohanim cause Yisrael to sin. We need not say that they bear their own sin (refer to 22:16:2:1) and the note there?


Gur Aryeh: Rashi did not explain like Targum Onkelos, (in Pasuk16) that the Kohanim eat Terumah be'Tum'ah, since the Pasuk did not mention Tum'ah. Also, it should have written 'Kodsheihem', and not "Kodshei B'nei Yisrael".


Refer to 22:15:1:2-4.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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