
What are the implicaiotns of the (otherwise superfluous) word "Nefesh?


Sifra: It includes animals, whom, one may feed Karshinai Terumah ? vetch (a kind of animal food that humans also eat). 1


Refer to 22:11:6:1.


What are the implications of "Kinyan Kaspo"?


Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: It implies an Eved Cana'ani, whose body the owner acquires 1 - as opposed to the Eved in the previous Pasuk, whose body he does not acquire (and it applies also to the Kohen's wife 2 ? Rashi). 3


Kesuvos, 57b: It incorporates an Arusah ? whom the Kohen betrothed. 4


Yevamos, 65a: It precludes the wife of a Kohen who is a Cheresh, who cannot acquire min ha'Torah, and whom he only acquired mi'de'Rabbanan. 5


Yevamos, 58: It precludes a Shomeres Yavam, who is not his acquisition but that of his brother. 6


Gitin, 42b: It precludes an Eved Cana'ani whom his master declared Hekdesh or Hefker and who is therefore obligated to give a Get Shichrur (a document of freedom). 7


Provided the Kohen has full ownership of the Eved ? to preclude where a Yisrael owns even one hundredth of the Eved (Yerushalmi T;rumos, 11:5).


Rashi: Which the Sifri also learns from the Pasuk in Korach Bamidbar, 18:13 "Kol Tahor be'Veischa ?". Refer also to 22:11:151:1 and the notes there).


Yevamos, 66b: It also extends to Avadim that the Kohen's Avadim or his wife purchase. See Torah Temimah, citing Yevamos, 66b and note 51.


And it is the Rabbanan who decreed that an Arusah does not eat Terumah until she enters the Chupah. See Torah Temimah, note 53.


See Torah Temimah, note 54.


See Torah Temmah, note 54.


See Torah Temimah, note 55.


Who is "Y'lid Beiso" referring to?


Rashi #1: It refers to the children of the Kohen's Shifchah Cana'anis. 1


Rashi #2 (in Nidah, 43b): It refers to the baby whom a Bas-Yisrael bore from a Kohen who died before the baby's birth, who subsequently permits his mother to eat Terumah from the day he is born. 2


And we explain the word "Heim Yochlu be'Lachmo" to read "Heim Ya'achilu (will enable to eat) be'Lachmo".


Refer also to 22:11:3:1 and see Torah Temimah, note 62.


Why does the Torah refer to the baby of a Shifchah Cana'anis as "Y'lid Beiso"?


Yevamos, 67a: In order to extrapolate 'Y'lud Ma'achil, she'Eino Y'lud Eino Ma'achil' ? to preclude a fetus in the womb of a Bas Yisrael, who married a Kohen who died before the baby was born, who does not feed his mother Terumah. 1


Refer also to 22:11:2:2.


Why does the Torah see fit to mention "Y'lid Beyso", which we can learn via a Kal Vachomer from Kinyan Kaspo?


Gitin, 43a: To permit the baby of a Shifchah Cana'anis who is worth nothing 1 to eat Terumah ? whom we would otherwise forbid due to the juxtaposition of "Y'lid Beiso"to "Kinyan Kaspo", who is not permitted to eat Terumah if he is worth nothing at the time of sale.


See Torah Temmah, note 60.


What are the ramifications of the juxtaposition of "Kinyan Kaspo" to "Y'lid Beiso"?


Gitin, 43a: It teaches us that an Eved Cana'ani whom a Kohen purchased, but who is now worth nothing 1 may eat Terumah, just like one who is born to one's Shifchah Cana'anis who is worth nothing, 2


But not if it is worth nothing at the time of sale. See Torah Temimah, note 56.


Refer to 22:11:4:1.


What is the word "Heim Yochlu ? " coming to preclude?


Sifra; It precludes animals, whom one may not feed Terumah that is fit for human consumption. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 61.


Having written "Viy'lid Beiso" (sinhgular)Why does the Torh write "Heim"Yochlu ? " (plural)?


Oznayim la'Torah: To incorporate "Kinyan Kaspo" ? to confine the concession for him to eat Kodesh to Terumah ? since we might otherwise have thought that he is premitted to eat even Kodshim Kalim.


What are the implications of the word "be'Lachmo"?


Sifra: It precludes a Meis, who does not own bread, and whom one may not therefore anoint with oil of Terumah.


Oznayim la'Torah: When forbidding Terumah to a Zar, it refer to it as "Kodesh" , and when permitting it to the members of the KOhen;s household, it refers to it as "Lachmo", thereby hinting at the reason behind the respective Isur and Heter.


Ula (in Kidushin, 5a) explains "Kinyan Kaspo" to include an Arusah. But the Sifra learns it from the Pasuk in Korach Bamidbar, 18:13 "Kol Tahor be'Veischa ?"?


Moshav Zekenim citing R. Eliezer mi'Mitz: Ula relies on the Sifra. He extrapolates that also an Arusah 1 is Kinyan Kaspo from the Sifra's Drashah on "Kol Tahor 'be'Veischa." 2


The Sifra says that she eats only after he acquires her earnings (Nisu'in). Ula teaches that this is an Asmachta, for mid'Oraisa, even an Arusah eats, for she is Kinyan Kaspo. Perhaps Ula relies on the Sifra, i.e. to learn that Kesef makes Kidushin. (PF)


The Sifra expounds so on Pasuks 18:11,13. The former discusses parts of Kodshim Kalim given to Kohanim, and the latter discusses Bikurim; RS"R Hirsh (there) explains that the Drashah applies also to Terumah (taught in Pasuk 12), for Bikurim are like Terumah.

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