
What do we learn from "Al Tigzal Dal Ki Dal Hu"?


Rashi: Do not steal from the poor because he is poor and has no strength to oppose you.


R. Yonah Do not steal from the poor because he is poor and you do not fear lest he can save (retrieve) the theft from your hand.


Malbim: Even though the Isur to steal forbids also stealing from an Ashir, there is an additional warning against stealing from an Oni because he is poor.


What is the significance of the gate?


R. Yonah: It is where many gather, like "v'Alesah Yevimto ha'Sharah" (Devarim 25:7). Even though you have the ability to crush him in the gate, in the eyes of all and no one can save from you, do not crush him.


Malbim: It is the gate of Mishpat. None of the judges will hear him [to save him from his oppressor].

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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