
What is "Gochi"?


Rashi: The One who took me out and pulled me [from the womb]. This is like "Yagi'ach Yarden El Pihu" (Iyov 40:23).


Why does he mention taking him from the womb?


Radak: How do You not save me?! We admit and know that power is from You. You help, cause birth, and assure a nursing baby, whose sustenance is only via others. He grows bit by bit, until he will be able to seek his own sustenance. A person grows with wondrous Chachmah from nursing until maturity, all according to the Conductor's conduct and intent, unlike those who say that everything is chance, without a Conductor's intent. We are the nation that admits to You!


Malbim: They mock me because You were always my savior, from birth, and now You abandoned me. They would not do so to another nation on whom Hashem's light never appeared. Taking him from the womb is a metaphor for the birth of the nation, taking them out of Egypt.


What is "Mavtichi Al Shedei Imi"?


Rashi: You prepared for man (babies) the breasts, to rely on them for sustenance.


Malbim: You prepared for me someone to nurse me.

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