
How do we understand "Ir Shofeches Dam b'Sochah Lavo Itah"?


Rashi: The verse should be re-arranged. Ir Shofeches Dam b'Sochah, Amar Hashem Elokim Lavo Itah.


Radak: It is a city that its residents 1 murder. It says b'Sochah, for they murdered openly. This is worse than murder on the road or in hidden places. Also, Toch (inside) the city is full of blood from all the murders, like it says about Menasheh "Asher Milei Es Yerushalayim Peh la'Peh" (Melachim II, 21:16). Murder caused Itah (its time to be destroyed) to come.


Radak: Verses often mention the city in place of the people, because it encompasses them, e.g. "ha'Ir ha'Yotzeis Elef" (Amos 5:3), "Ir Homiyah Kiryah Alizah" (Yeshayah 22:2).


Why does it say "v'Asesah Gilulim [Aleha]"?


Rashi: It means va'Asher Asesah Gilulim.


Radak: The idols were [above it,] on the mountains and hills.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The idols were in it.


Malbim: In addition to murder, it did idolatry and other abominations.


What is the significance of "Letam'ah"?


Radak: There are levels of Tum'ah that man is warned about them. Some are via touching. Some are more severe, via forbidden Bi'ah. More severe that this is idolatry ? it is Tum'ah of the Nefesh. Due to the last two, Eretz Kena'an vomited out the nation in it. Therefore, they are mentioned here, and Tum'ah is mentioned with idolatry. Also in the Torah, it says "Kedoshim Tihyu; ? Al Tifnu El ha'Elilim vei'Lohei Masechah Lo Sa'asu Lachem" (Vayikra 19:2, 4). Idolatry is Tum'ah of the Nefesh.

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