
What is the meaning of "v'Nichalt Bach"?


Rashi: You will tremble over what you did.


Radak #1: It should say Ninchalt; the Nun of the root is omitted. The second letter of the root should have received a Dagesh, but Ches does not receive a Dagesh. You are your own inheritance; until now, you were My inheritance; from now and onwards, you are not.


Radak #2: V'Nichalt is an expression of Chilul (profaning).


Malbim: You yourself will inherit. The inheritance from your ancestors was when you were Am Kadosh, and Hashem was your inheritance. This inheritance depends on you. You will return to it. The Nachalah is knowing that I am Hashem ? your inheritance from of old.


How is this "l'Einei Goyim"?


Radak: They will see that you are not My inheritance when you are in Galus among them.


How will you know that I am Hashem?


Radak: You will recognize this, for now you forgot Me. When will come upon you all the evils that I told you via My Nevi'im, you will know that I am Hashem ? I decree and fulfill.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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