
What is the meaning of "Tzanof Yitznafcha"?


Rashi: Like a turban that surrounds the head, enemies and afflicters will surround you.


Radak (17-18): Like one wraps a turban (into a ball) and throws it far. Tzanof is Makor (like an infinitive); "Tzenefah" is a noun.


Malbim: Afterwards, they will surround you in a turban, [until your body will be like a ball


What is "Kador"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Like a wall that surrounds.


Rashi citing Vayikra Rabah 5:5: A ball 1 , that one throws and catches it from hand to hand. Radak - refer to 22:18:3:2. It should say k'Kador; the prefix Kaf is omitted, like "Lev Soma'ech Yeitiv Gehah" (Mishlei 17:22) should say k'Gehah.


Radak We find so in a Mishnah 'ha'Kador veha'Emum' (Kelim 23:1).


What is "Eretz Rachavas Yadayim"?


Rashi (from Vayikra Rabah 5:5): The name of the place is Kaspiya (mentioned in Ezra 8:17).


Radak: [Like one throws a ball in] a large open place without a wall or something to stop it. It rolls until it finds something to stop it. Malbim - i.e. initially you will fly willingly, like a bird; afterwards they will roll you Bal Korchacha (against your will) like a ball.


What is the significance of dying there?


Rashi: You will not be buried among the graves of Beis David.


Radak: You dug a grave for yourself here, for You thought that You will die here.


What do we learn from "v'Shamah Markevos Kevodecha Kelon Beis Adonecha"?


Rashi: There, the chariots of your honor will be reversed to the shame that you requested for your master's house (you wanted to hand over Chizkiyah to Sancheriv). Radak (from Sanhedrin 26a-b) - when he went out to Melech Ashur, [Gavri'el closed the door in front of his camp]; they asked him 'where is the nation that your conspired with them?' He said, they retracted. They pierced his ankles and tied him to the tails of their horses, and dragged him on thorns. The chariots of honor that he hoped to receive there, in place of it he received shame.


Radak citing his father: There, in the place that you will be relocated, you will ride in a chariot; you will consider it great honor for your Nefesh; here, it would be a disgrace for you, but there it would honor you. I.e. the honor that you have here will be reversed there to shame 1 .


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The chariots of your honor will be brought to there in disgrace, because you did not guard the honor of your master's house.


Malbim: There, you will die, and will be the chariots of your honor; you were disgrace for your master's house, that they raised a Rasha like you in their house.


This is why the same act (riding in a chariot) which is below your honor here, will be above your honor there. (PF)

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