
What is "ha'Etzev Nivzeh"?


Rashi: This is said in astonishment 1 - perhaps this broken, disgraced form, this man who was cast from My face, like one who is not desired


Radak: This is why there is a Patach under the Hei. (When a word begins with Ayin, and it had the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah (to identify), there is a Kamatz under the Hei. - PF)


What is the meaning of "Nafutz"?


Rashi: It is broken, like "ki'Chli Yotzer Tenaptzem" (Tehilim 2:9). Radak - "Nafutz" is like "v'Nafutz ha'Kadim" (Shoftim 7:19). When one casts down a Kli, it breaks, and the shards shatter and scatter.


Why is Yechanyah compared to a Kli that is not desired?


Malbim: He himself was not worthy of kingship. This is like an earthenware Kli - even if it is whole, it is not desired. Did he rebel against Nebuchadnetzar, and that is why he did not desired him?! He went out to him immediately! If so, why were he and his seed cast


What is the meaning of "Hutalu"?


Rashi: They were cast. This is being cast, after which he does not rise - "Ki Yipol Lo Yutal" (Tehilim 37:24).


Radak: This is like "v'Hushlechu" (after this). It is repeated to strengthen the matter. Verses often do so.


Here it says that that Yechanyah had seed. Below (verse 30), it says that he will be Ariri!


Radak: Perhaps he had children when he went to Bavel, and they died in Bavel, and he is childless 1 .


Below, he wrote that the decree to be Ariri was nullified (refer to 22:30:2:1)! We must say so, for verses prove that his seed survived. She'alti'el was Yechanyah's son Divrei ha'Yamim I, 3:17], and Zerubavel was Ben She'alti'el (Chagai 2:23)! This requires investigation. (PF)

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