
Why did Avraham call Har ha'Moriyah, "Hashem Yir'eh"?


Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: He didn't just call it by this name; he Davened that Hashem should accept it as the location of Avodas Hashem for his descendants, on which Hashem will rest His Shechinah there and appoint it as the location where they will bring Korbanos. 1


Rashi #2 (in Yechezkel 48:35): Earlier (in Bereishis 14:18) it was called ?Shalem?; Hence it became known as 'Yerushalayim' (Yir?ah Shalem). 2


Targum Yonasan: He Davened that just as he had carried out the will of Hashem with a straight heart and joyfully, so too, should Hashem accept the Tefilos of Yitzchak's children when they come to pray there, and deliver them from their Tzaros.


Seforno: Refer to 22:14:2:4.


Da'as Zekenim: Initially, it was a valley. Through Yir'ah (of Hashem - the Akeidah) it was raised; therefore it is called Har ha'Moriyah. 3


Because the ashes of Yitzchak are piled in a heap and stand to atone for K'lal Yisrael's sins.


Rosh: Why didn't David use the name of Shem or Avraham? He combined their names; the ?Vav? is in place of ?Alef? and ?Hey?, since they have the same Gematriya.


This clashes with the Midrash that says that it was a mountain beforehand. Refer to 22:5:151:1.


What does it mean, "that it will be said today, b'Har HaSh-m Yera'eh"?


Rashi #1: That people in future generations will say on whichever day they are speaking, that Hashem appears to His people on this mountain.


Seforno: The "chosen place" for the Beis-Hamikdash, about which Yisrael would later say (when the Torah was given) "that Hashem will appear on the mountain" when He shall reveal it (in the time of David ha'Melech) - that is the mountain that Avraham called 'Hashem Yir'eh'.


Rashbam: From today and onwards, it will be said that this is the Mountain of Hashem on which Ha'Kadosh-Baruch-Hu appeared to Avraham.


Hadar Zekenim: Avraham said ?Now that I did not offer my son, people will say that I obey Hashem's commands only when it benefits me; Hashem will see that their accusation is false?.


Divrei Eliyahu: Avraham Davened that at a time of Churban, when we do not merit openly seeing Hashem's protection, He will covertly guard us. When Moshe wrote the Torah he added ?Today we openly see Hashem's protection?.


Kol Eliyahu: Hashem wanted to make His dwelling below, but due sins of Adam... the Shechinah departed to the first... and ultimately to the seventh Heaven. Avraham brought It back to the sixth, and Davened that It returns to earth in the future. Indeed, it returned at Ma'amad Har Sinai, so Moshe added that on that day the Shechinah would be seen on the mountain of Hashem.


Peninim mi?Shulchan ha?G?ra #1: ?Vayikra Avraham ? Hashem Yir?eh? refers to Avraham declaring Hashem?s Hashgachah over the world, and ?asher Ye?amer ha?Yom be?Har Hashem Yera?eh? to the level that all of Yisrael would reach when they stood at the foot of Har Sinai, when they were all shown the Shechinah. 1


Peninim mi?Shulchan ha?G?ra #2: This can be compared to a king who appointed officers to guard his beloved son. One day the son sinned towards his father, who exiled him to a dangerous forest ? ordering the same officers to guard him ? only now, in contrast to before he was exiled, the prince did not know that he was being guarded., Similarly, Avraham foresaw that Yisrael would go into a long and bitter exile; so he called the place ?Hashem Yir?eh? ? ?He will see but not be seen?; But Moshe, with reference to the day that the Torah was given declared ?ha?Yom - be?Har Hashem Yera?eh? ? we too will see the Shechinah. 2


Targum Onkelos: People will say how on this day Avraham worshipped Hashem on this mountain.


Targum Yonasan: People will say how on this day Avraham bound Yitzchak his son, and that the Shechinah revealed Itself on that mountain.


Refer to Sh?mos, 15:2:3:1. Peninim mi?Shulchan ha?G?ra: This is also what the Gemara in Chagigah, 2a means when it states that a person who is blind in one eye is Patur from the Mitzvah of Re?iyah on Yom-Tov, because ?Just as Lir?os? is with two eyes, so too, is ?Lera?os with two eyes?. With reference to the current Pasuk, ?Lir?os? refers to Avraham, who had two eyes; ?Lera?os? to Yisrael who would ultimately go to the Beis-Hamikdash to be seen.


Peninim mi?Shulchan ha?G?ra: This can be compared to a king who appointed officers to guard his beloved son. One day the son sinned towards his father, who exiled him to a dangerous forest ? ordering the same officers to guard him ? only now the prince did not know that he was being guarded.


What is the significance of the repetitive phrase in this Pasuk?


Sifrei (Devarim 352): This teaches us that Avraham Avinu saw the Beis-Ha'Mikdash built - "HaSh-m Yir'eh;" destroyed - "Asher Ye'amer ha'Yom be'Har;" and "rebuilt" - "HaSh-m Yera'eh," and established for the era of Mashi'ach.'

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