
What is "Ish Madon"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Gevar d'Mishchan (a man of Midos). The root [of Madon] is only Mem Dalet. This is like "She'on" (Tehilim 65:8), "Hamon" (Bereishis 17:4) (also their roots are only the first two letters). In Divrei ha'Yamim I, 20:6 it says "Ish Midah", i.e. very tall; people estimate his height.


Why does it need to say that he has six fingers and six toes on each foot, 24 in all?


Rashi citing Bechoros 45b: If not for 24, one might have thought that he has a total of six fingers and six toes. Had it said only 24, one might have thought that he has seven in this hand and five on this.


Why does it say "Mispar"?


Rashi: They are counted among the fingers on the back of his hand (the extra one is in line with the others).


Who is "leha'Rafah"?


Radak: It is 'to the giant.' The prefix Lamed is properly together with the prefix Hei, just usually the Hei is omitted for ease [of pronunciation]. Also elsewhere it is not omitted, e.g. "leha'Am ha'Zeh", "leha'Gedud" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 10,7, 25:10).


According to Sanhedrin 95a, it is 'to Harafah' (also called Orpah). (PF)

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