What are the connotations of "Ki es ha'Bechor ben ha'Senu'ah Yakir"?
Targum Onkelos: It means that the father is obligated to set his firstborn son aside ? .
Targum Yonasan: It means that the father is obligated to publicize which son is the B'chor.
Kidushin, 74a: The extra word "Yakir" teaches us that a father is believed when he declares one of his sons to be the firstborn. 3
Bava Basra, 142b: It implies that if the B'chor is born after his father dies (where "Yakir" is not applicable) 4 - in which case "Yakir" is not applicable - he does not receive a double portion.
B'choros, 46b: It teaches us that if the face of the B'chor emerges from the womb including the nose 5 before the father dies, he is considered born and receives a double portion. 6
Rosh and Ba'al ha'Turim: Which explains why all the principle letters of the word 'B'chor' are double ? double singles, double tens and double hundreds, respectively.
Kidushin, Ibid.: And by the same token, a Kohen is believed when he declares his son to be the son of a Gerushah or a Chalutzah. See also Torah Temimah. Note 118.
See Torah Temimah. Note 119.
Which is subject to recognition.
See answer #4 and Torah Temimah, note 120.
Having written in the previous Pasuk "Lo Yuchal Levaker es ben ha'Ahuvah", why does the Torah need to write "Ki es ha'Bechor ben ha'Senu'ah Yakir"?
Oznayim la'Torh: To teach us that he is not even permitted to give the B'chor an equal portion to the Pashut.
Perhaps it comes to teach us that someone who deprives his B'chor of his Cheilek Bechorah transgresses an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh.
What are the ramifications of the fact that the Torah writes writes "Laseis lo Pi Shenayim" - thereby rendering the extra portion of the B'chor a gift?
Bava Basra, 124a: Consequently, the B'chor may not take a double portion of the improvement that the brothers carried out on their father's property before he received it. 1
Bechoros, 22b: Consequently, when Yovel arrives, the B'chor returns the Cheilek Bechorah to the brothers and they redistribute their father's property in the same way as they did the first time, 2
What is the exact meaning of "Pi Shenayim"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means (not double, but) a portion corresponding to two sons. 1
Bava Basra, 124a: It also implies that the B'chor receives his two portions next to each other - not in two different locations 2 - just like the portion that every brother receives.
What are the implications of "be'Chol asher Yimatzei Lo"?
Rashi: It implies that the firstborn only receives an extra portion of the property that his father actually has in his possession - but not of Ra'uy (what he is destined to receive after his death). 1
Bava Basra, 124b: It implies that the firstborn only receives an extra portion of the property that his father actually has in his possession - but not in what the field improved in quality and certaily not if it was done by the brothers 2 - after his father's death
Such as a debt that is owed to him. Refer to 21:16:0.3:1. See also Ba'al ha'Turim and Torah Temimah, note 126.
What are the connotations of "Reishis Ono"?
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonaan: It means 'the first of is strength.
Bava Basra, 111b: It also has connotations of mourning (Onein).
What are the ramifications of the fact that the Torah refers to a B'chor as "Reishus Ono"?
Bava Basra, 111b: #1 Consequently, if a Nochri who converts had children before he coverted, he s no longer subject to the Bechorah - since they will not be "Reishus Ono".
Bava Basra, 111b #2: Bearing in mind that "Ono" also has connotations of mourning, a son who is born after Nefalim (stillborn children) - over whom the father does not mourn - is a B'chor. 1
See Torah Temomah, note 129.
Does a B'chor inherit a double porion of his mother's property when she dies?
Bechoros, 52a: The fact that the Torah writes "Lo (masculine) Mishpat ha'Bechorah" implies that he does not inherit a double portion of his mother's property. 1
See Torah Temomah, note 130.
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "Lo Mishpat ha'Bechorah"?