
Who were the Sarim who dug the well?


Rashi and Rashbam: Moshe and Aharon, who reinstated it after it stopped producing water.


Rosh and Targum Yonasan: They did not actually dig it, and ?Sarim? - the nobles refers to the Avos 1 , Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, on whose merit they received the well. 2


Da'as Zekenim: Moshe, Aharon and the Chachamim of Yisrael. 3


Kol Eliyahu and Divrei Eliyahu: They are the Talmidei-Chachamim, who dig (delve) into its secrets. Refer to 21:18:4:2*.


Rosh: Like it says (Tehilim 105:42) "Pasach Tzur va'Yazovu Mayim?; es Avraham Avdo." (But this implies that it was in the merit of Avraham alone? Refer to Bereishis 18:4:1:1. - PF)


See Na'ar Yonasan.


Da'as Zekenim: As opposed to other wells, which slaves dig - as in Toldos Bereishis, 26:25 "va'Yichru Sham Avdei Yitzchak Be'er".


Who are the "Nedivei ha'Am" and what did they do?


Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: "The leaders of the people" refers to Moshe and Aharon, who, with their staffs, scratched a line in the ground from the well to the people whenever they encamped, along which the water ran, thereby supplying the people with water. 1


Rashi #2 (in Pasuk 20): "The leaders of the people" refers to the Nesi'im, who, with their staffs, scratched a line in the ground from the well to their respective tribes whenever they encamped, along which the water ran, thereby supplying each tribe with its own water supply.


Ibn Ezra: Also this refers to the Sarim (Refer to 21:18:1:1-4).


Kol Eliyahu and Divrei Eliyahu: They are rich people, who do business in order to acquire Torah through their money (by enabling Chachamim to learn). Refer to 21:18:4:2*.


According to Targum Yonasan on Pasuk19, the water flowed to outside each and every person's tent.


What are the connotations of "bi'Mechokek be'Mish'anosam"?


Rashi #1: It means through Moshe the law-giver, 1 via his staff - on which was engraved the explicit Name of. Hashem). 2


Rashi #2 (in Tehilim 78:16, citing Beraisa of forty-two Midos): Each Nasi carved a faint furrow from the well to his tribe, and the water flowed through it to his tribe.


Targum Yonasan: It means that the princes Moshe and Aharon dug with their staffs.


Ibn Ezra: "Mechokek" means the Chachamim or the judges. 3


Da'as Zekenim: The well (which they did not dig with shovels like other wells, but ? which) they carved with the staff of Hashem. 4


As he is called in Ve'zos ha'Berachah Devarim, 33:21.


It is not clear which Name of Hashem - the Name Havayah or that of forty-two or seventy-two letters.


Ibn Ezra: As in Shoftim 5:9 "le'Chok?kei Yisrael".


Da?as Zekenim: A clear proof that Hashem did not object to Moshe striking the rock ? because they would not sing about something that Hashem objected to.


What are the connotations of "u'mi'Midbar Matanah"?


Ramban: The Torah is stressing that they were given the well in the desert, which is totally desolate and where no other source of water exists.


Rashbam: According to the simple P?shat, these are all place-names where they traveled and encamped.


Mizrachi (in Pasuk 17, from Bamidbar Rabah 19:26): The well was a gift to Yisrael from when they entered the desert


Rosh #1 (in Pasuk 18, from Bamidbar Rabah 19:26): Torah was given in the desert. If it was in Eretz Yisrael, each Shevet would want that it be given in their portion, and say 'I am first in it!' Rather, it was given in the Midbar, so all will be equal in it.

5 #2 (in Pasuk 18, citing Bamidbar Rabah, 19:26): Just like a desert is not seeded or worked, so one who accepts the yoke of Torah, the yoke of the kingdom is removed from him.


Rosh #3 (Pasuk 18, citing Bamidbar Rabah, 19:26): B'nei Torah, like a desert, do not 1 pay taxes. 7. Eruvin, 54a: If one makes himself like a desert on which everyone tramples, he remembers his Torah, and it is given to him as a gift - "u'mi'Midbar Matanah".


Kidushin 30b: ?When a person makes himself Hefker like a desert ? which is Hefker to all, the Torah is given to him as a gift; Afterwards he ascends ? "u'mi'Nachli'el Bamos" (Pasuk 19). If he gets haughty, Hashem will bring him down him ? "u'mi'Bamos ha'Gai" (Pasuk 20). If he repents [from his haughtiness], Hashem will raise him 2 to be a leader - "Rosh ha'Pisgah" (and if he then becomes conceited, Hashem will sink him into the ground - "ve'Nishkafah al-P'nei ha'Yeshimon". 3


This word is in the Midrash; it is missing from the Rosh due to a printing mistake. (PF)


As the Navi writes in Yeshayah 40:4 "Kol Gei Yinasei".


See Torah Temimah, note 18, who elaborates.

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