
What are the implications of "Vekidashto"?


Rashi: It implies that that, if the Kohen declines to divorce his Pasul wife, Beis-Din must force him to divorce her - even physically if need be. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 53, that the same applies to a Yisrael who marries a woman who is forbiden to him.


What are the implications of "Kadosh Yih'yeh lach"?


Rashi: Act towards him with Kedushah - to be called up to the Torah first and 1 to lead Birchas ha'Mazon. 2


Rashi in Megilah, 28a.


Refer to 21:8:2:3*..


Why does the Pasuk repeat the Inyan of Kedushah so many times in the current Parshah (See Pesukim 6, 7, 8 & 15)?


Rashi (in Kedoshim, 19:2): Because Kedushah denotes abstaining from Arayos 1 - and wherever there is a Geder Ervah, there is Kedushah.


Targum Yonasan: The Torah mentions Kedushah twice in this Pasuk ? The first is a command to acknowledge his Kedushas Kehunah, the second, not to desecrate his Kedushas Kehunah.


Moshav Zekenim: This Pasuk mentions three Kedushos 2 (other than the Kedushah of Hashem) - Kohanim are like the angels, who say 'Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh' each day, and more than Yisrael, who have two Kedushos ("ve'Hiskadishtem vi'Heyisem Kedoshim" - 20:7)


Moshav Zekenim: This Pasuk mentions four Kedushos, corresponding to the four Avodos of Yom Kipur, which all require a Kohen Gadol, and it is called Kadosh - "li'Kedosh Hashem Mechubad" (Yeshayah 58:13). There are four Tefilos on [Yom Kipur, excluding the night], four boxes in the [head] Tefilin, and four times [when the Torah says to recite Keri'as Sh'ma or learn] - "be'Shivtecha ? u've'Lecht'cha? u've'Shochb'cha u've'Kumecha."


Refer to 19:2:2:1**.


To choose first, to bless first, and to take a nice portion first - Ba'al ha'Turim. See Torah Temimah, citing Gitin, 59b and note 54, as to whether this is mi'd'Oraysa or an Asmachta.


To whom is Hashem saying "Ki Ani Hashem Mekadishchem"?


Ramban #1 and Moshav Zekenim #1: He is saying it to the Kohanim. 1


Ramban #2 and Moshav Zekenim #2: He is saying telling Yisrael That, since the Kohen offers "the bread of Hashem," through which He is Mekadesh everybody, they should consider the Kohen Kadosh.


Ramban: As the Parshah begins "Emor el ha'Kohanim".



Rashi writes that Beis-Din sanctify the Kohen against his will, and force him to divorce his Pasul wife. Bearing in mind that they always forcibly stop people from sinning, what is the Chidush?


Moshav Zekenim: One might have thought that this is only for what applies to all of Yisrael, but a Kohen may opt to keep only Mitzvos of Yisrael, and not serve. Our Pasuk teaches that this is not the case.


Rashi writes that "Kadosh Yih'yeh lach" teaches that we treat the Kohen with Kedushah. But the Gemara in Horiyos, 13b learns that from "Vekidashto"?


Mizrachi: Rashi explains according to the simple meaning. "Vekidashto" teaches us that we are Mekadesh him Bal Korcho, and "Kadosh Yihyeh Lach" is extra to teach that we honor him. The Sifra supports this; it learns from "Vekidashto" that we are Mekadesh him against his will.


Gur Aryeh: If not for "Kadosh Yih'yeh Lach", we would learn from "Vekidashto" that we honor him. However, now that "Kadosh Yihyeh Lach" teaches us that we honor him, Vekidashto teaches us that we are Mekadesh him Bal Korcho.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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