
What is the meaning of "Ir Giborim Alah Chacham"?


Rashi: This is Moshe, who ascended to among the angels, Giborei Ko'ach [and he brought down Torah].


R. Yonah: Above it said that wealth is in the shade of Chachmah; "Otzar Nechmad v'Shemen bi'Nve Chacham" (20). Afterwards it mentions the deeds of a Ba'al Chachmah, "Rodef Tzedakah va'Chesed" (21). Now it informs that Gevurah is for Chachmah - "Ani Binah Li Gevurah" (8:14).


Malbim: This is one who guards his mouth and tongue. It gives a Mashal - a Chacham conquered a city of Giborim, and the fortress in which they trusted - "ha'Chachmah Ta'oz le'Chacham ma'Asarah Shalitim Asher Hayu ba'Ir" (Koheles 7:19). Even though the city was full of people, and a lone Chacham conquered it, and they had a strong tower in which they trusted - "va'Yored Oz Mivtacheha."


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): This refers to the war of the Nefesh. Shlomo already gave this Mashal in Sefer Koheles 1 . Here it depicts that the foolish officer and his Giborim are inside and the Chacham came and conquered the city. The war is constant. Each one has his fortress city, just the Emes is the small city and the second is the city of Giborim. The powers of the Nefesh and Sechel are few; the powers of physicality overpower, and they are residents in this world dwelling in a fortified mountain. Even so, one who conducts according to the laws of Chachmah, he will conquer the city and force the body and powers of desire to obey it. It will dispossess them via the sword of Chachmah and the shield of Tevunah, Da'as and Yir'as Hashem. The arms of habit and desire will not stand in front of it.


Malbim: "Ir Ketanah va'Anashim Bah Me'at" (Koheles 9:14) discusses the war that the Yetzer and desire fight against the Nefesh. It depicts the Nefesh as one who sits in a small city with few people, for the powers of the Nefesh are few. The one who makes war from outside is a great king, and he built great fortresses; the powers of the flesh are many. Nature and the senses help them. Only an old poor man saved the city with his Chachmah. This is how Chachmah saves the Nefesh, that the old fool will not conquer it.

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