
Why was this not taught with putting the Mizbechos in Beis Hashem and the Chatzeros?


Malbim: This was the biggest abomination, to put an Asherah idol in the Bayis, to equate foreign Avodah to Avodas Hashem.


Here and in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 33:7 it says that he put a "Pesel" (singular). Why does it say there (33:22) "Pesilim"?


Sanhedrin 103b: At first he made the idol with one face. Later, he added three other faces, to anger the Shechinah from every direction. Malbim 1 - this was to parallel the four Chayos that bear Kisei ha'Kavod. The Torah forbids "v'Asisem Lachem Pesel Temunas Kol Semel" (Devarim 4:16), and then forbids four kinds of forms - animals, birds, vermin and fish. This was "Semel ha'Kin'ah" (Yechezkel 8:3,5). Vayikra Rabah 17 applies "k'Nega Nir'ah Li ba'Bayis" (Vayikra 14:35) to Menasheh's idol. Its [four faces] corresponded to the four hues of Nega'im.


Malbim says that the Gemara and Devarim Rabah expound this from "Pesel ha'Semel" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 33:7). Our texts do not say so. (PF)


Why does it mention that Hashem chose to put His name in the Bayis?


Malbim (7-8): This increases Menasheh's sin. (a) Hashem fixed this place for His name to dwell there forever. (b) He chose it from all the Shevatim - as if all of them were partners in it, and there He is tied to His chosen nation. (c) Through the Bayis, He promised that they will not be exiled from the land - but this is only if they do as He commanded.

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