How did Avimelech answer Avraham's accusation?
Seforno: Even now that Avraham had informed him about the theft, he argued that he could not imagine who the culprit could be, because had one off his servants been under suspicion of doing such a thing, he would never have retained him.
Why does Avimelech add the last two phrases in the Pasuk?
Seforno: In response to Avraham's claim that, as king, he ought to have taken action, he replied that a king would do that either following a complaint from the person who was robbed, or because he heard about it from circulating rumors - neither of which was the case here.
Rosh: Avraham swore in the Name of the One Who would later say "Anochi Hashem", to which Avimelech replied that he never heard of such a deity.
Ha'amek Davar: after denying any knowledge of the theft, Avimelch addressed Pichool and said to him "ve'Gam Atah Lo Higadta li", to which Pichol replied "ve'Gam Anochi Lo Shama'ati BIlti Hayom!"