Why did she say "Anochi Shelumei Emunei Yisrael"?
Rashi: I am among the city residents, who are trustworthy and faithful to Yisrael and the king.
Rashi, citing Bereishis Rabah 94:9: She was Serach bas Asher. 1 Hashlamti (I gave over) faithful to the faithful - I revealed to Moshe where is Yosef's coffin, and I told Yakov that Yosef is alive.
Radak: [We do not make war even with a city of Nochrim, before offering Shalom, and all the more so a city of] peaceful, faithful Yisraelim, that does not rebel against the king!
Malbim: One should destroy a city only if it rebelled against the king, of it breached their Emunah, like Ir ha'Nidachas. Our city believes in our G-d, and you want to destroy a city that did not rebel against the king?!
Radak: It is astounding that she lived so long (about 700 years - PF), even though she [surely] lived at least 250 years. She is listed among those who descended to Egypt and among those who [will] enter Eretz Yisrael. (Pesach Einayim (Sotah 13a) - Yakov blessed her that she will never die.
What is "Nachalas Hashem"?
Radak: The inheritance of Hashem's nation.
Malbim: The inheritance of a nation that believes in its G-d (refer to 20:19:1:4).