
What was David's reply?


Malbim: Just the contrary! He does not discuss this with you, for he has no doubt. He resolved to kill me. He hid this from you, lest you be upset.


What is "ch'Pesha Beini u'Vein ha'Maves"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: I evaded him by one Pesi'ah (step), and he struck the spear into the wall. That step saved me from death!


Chomas Anach: If not for your sister Michal, who helped me flee [I would have died]. It was not Pesha (sin) for her to thwart her father's desire. She need not honor him for a forbidden matter! The danger was close k'Pesa (a step away).


Malbim: This is a proof that he resolved to kill me. He tried to kill me with a spear! 1


According to Radak (refer to 20:2:1:1) there is no proof, for Yonason said that that was at a time of Ru'ach Ra. (PF)

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