
Why does it say "ha'Chitzim"? They were not mentioned above!


Radak: It is because Yehonason said that he will shoot three arrows for a Siman of the three days that David will be in the field. 1


I.e. so it is as if they were mentioned. However, I do not understand the need for this Siman. (PF)


What is the significance of the three arrows?


Refer to 20:20:1:1 and the note there.


Kli Yakar: One arrow would have sufficed! Rather, they hint to the three times that Sha'ul was angry at David. 1 If I will say "ha'Chitzim Mimecha va'Henah" (verse 21), they did not go to his heart.


Malbim: Chetz is a metaphor for Leshon ha'Ra in Kesuvim, and it is called 'triple speech', for it kills three (the speaker, the one who accepts it, and the one spoken about). Through the Siman [I will give], you will know what resulted from those who maligned you in Sha'ul's heart. 2


He threw a spear at him twice (18:11, 19:10), and sent messengers to take him from his house to kill him (19:11). He also sent messengers twice to Nayos to take David, and later went himself (19:20-22). Surely it was in order to kill him! That is not counted separately; since they did not get him from his house, they sought him from the place to which he fled. (PF)


What Leshon ha'Ra was spoken about David so far? Refer to 16:18:8:1. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Tzidah Oreh"?


Rashi: There is no Mapik (Dagesh, i.e. dot in the) Hei. 1 [It does not mean its side, rather,] the Hei at the end is like a Lamed at the beginning - to the side [of the rock].


Radak: Many times there is no Mapik Hei in a place proper for it.

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