
What is the meaning of "Ki Nigafu"?


Metzudas David: (The Navi returns to describe the battle from the beginning.) They saw that Yisrael 1 were being stricken.


Malbim: [The Navi returns to describe what happened once the ambush in the west came to fight Binyamin. Binyamin saw that] they themselves are stricken 2 [like verse 35 said].


Radak explains that Yisrael gave to Binyamin place to chase them. Presumably, he explains like Metzudas David. (PF)


Rashi and Mahari Kara explain that Yisrael gave to Binyamin place to flee. They explain like Malbim. However, they say that verse 39 returns to describe the entire battle from the beginning. (PF)


What does it mean that they gave place to Binyamin?


Rashi: They let them flee to the hill, for they relied on the ambush to come to greet them. Malbim - Binyamin saw that they are stricken, and thought to return to the city.


Radak: Yisrael gave to Binyamin place to chase them, to induce Binyamin to leave the city.

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