
How will we reconcile Hashem informing Aharon that he would die, with the fact that Hashem never tells a person his date of death, as the Gemara explains in Shabbos, 30a?


Oznayim la'Torah: Hashem does not inform a person in advance when he will die, in order to aoid the mentae informed Aharon (and Moshe) 1 however, on the day of their death, which is a merit, since it enables them to issue final instructions to their loved ones.


See Oznayim la'Torah.


Seeing as Moshe and Aharon both died for the same sin - moreover, Moshe was the main player - why did Moshe not die at the same time as Aharon?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: Had Moshe died at this stage, leaving Yisrael without the Manna, without water and without the Ananei Kavod, they would undoubtedly have returned to Egypt and nothing would have convinced them not to. 1


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Because Moshe Davened five hundred and fifteen Tefilos 2 - which succeeded in delaying his death - We do not find that Aharon did so. 3


Oznayim la'Torah (in Pinchas, 27:13): Because of his participation in the Chet ha'Eigel, in which Moshe played no part. 4


See how, with Aharon's death - when only the Ananei Kavod departed - they would have done so if the Levi'im had not foreed them to retract, and then only after a bitter fight! See Oznayim la'Torah.


As Rashi explains at the beginning of Va'eschanan.


The Oznayim la'Torah cites the question in the name of the Ri Avuhav, who gives seven answers to the question.


See Oznayim la'Torah, Ibid. DH 'Ka'asher Ne'esaf'.

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