
Which of the four Misos Beis-Din does the man receive?


Avodah Zarah, 54b: We learn via a Gezeirah Shavah from Meisis "Taharogu" "Harog Tahargenu" - Re'ei Devarim, 13:10, that he is Chayav Sekilah.


The sinner is put to death by stoning; How is the animal killed?


Targum Yonasan: By beating it with a club.


Why is the animal put to death? What did it do wrong?


Rashi #1: Because a Takalah (sin) came about through it 1 - how much more so will a person, who possesses intelligence, be taken to task for causing others to sin.


Rashi #2 (in Bamidbar 22:33): So that people should not point a finger and say, 'Thas is the animal with which P'loni sinned!', because Hashem protects the dignity of human-beings.


Rashi: And it is by the same token that the Torah later - in Re'ei Devarim, 12:2, orders all the trees that the Cana'anim worshipped to be cut down, even though the trees can neither see nor hear - how much more someone who turns his fellow-Jew away from the path of life to the path of death.


What is the significance of the fact that the Torah compares the Beheimah to the man in this Pasuk and to the woman in the next Pasuk?


Sanhedrin, 2a: It teaches us that the Beheimah, like the man who raped it and the woman who was raped by it, requires twenty-three Dayanim to sentence it to death. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 37.

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