
What will result from remembering their ways?


Malbim: They will regret and be ashamed of them. Hashem will give to the a new heart to serve Him. They will recognize their past evil, and know that Hashem did for them due to His great name and Chesed, and not according to their evil deeds. They will know Hashem via His punishments, ability and Chesed.


What is "u'Nkotosam"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Ketatah (quarrel).


Targum Yonasan: V'Sidankon. Rashi - so he translated above (9:4) "ha'Ne'enakim" (groaning).


Radak: This is cutting off, like "Asher Yakot Kislo" (Iyov 8:14). You will be cut off in your eyes. I.e. you will think that when your evils are mentioned, you are proper to be cut off from the world.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: You will see [all the shameful deeds that you did.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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