
What is "veha'Olah Al Ruchachem"?


Rashi: You think so. Radak - this is like Al Levavechem, like Yonason translates, for the Ru'ach dwells in the heart.


Malbim: You think that since I distanced from you and do not want to answer you, you left My Hashgachah, and you are like the nations.


Why does it say "Hayo Lo Sihyeh"?


Rashi: You already willingly accepted [the Mitzvos] in the days of Yehoshua - "va'Ye'esof Yehoshua Es Kol Shivtei Yisrael..." (Yehoshua 24:1).


Radak: Your intent will not last.


Malbim: You want to be under the Ma'arachah, like the nations - this will not be. You are My portion!


How do they want to be like the Goyim?


Rashi: They will cast His yoke off their necks, so He sent them from Him.


Radak: They want to leave His Reshus, and not be a nation to Him. They see Nochrim succeeding in idolatry, like Achaz said "Elohei Malchei Aram Mazerim Osam Lahem Azabe'ach v'Yyazeruni" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 28:23). This is not so. I do not supervise over the other nations, for I consider them lowly, like animals, unless they have contact with Yisrael, to visit [the nations'] sin upon them when Yisrael do My will. When [Yisrael] transgress My Mitzvos, I make the Nochrim overpower them - not to benefit them, rather, to harm Yisrael. I do not supervise over the Nochrim themselves, unless there is great theft, like Dor ha'Mabul and Sedom and Amorah. So Chazal said (Sotah 21a), that Hashem is slow to punish Nochrim. (He allows them to sin until they deserve destruction.) However, I took Yisrael to Me for a treasured nation; I will be Elokim to them. My eyes are always on them for good or for bad - "Rak Eschem Yadati mi'Kol Mishpechos ha'Adamah Al Ken Efkod Aleichem Es Kol Avonoseichem" (Amos 3:2). If you want to leave My Reshus, I will not let you! You will be many days in Galus, but you will not cease to be a nation in front of Me forever. I will rule over you with force. I will refine you, and take you out of Galus - "u'Varosi Mikem ha'Moredim veha'Posh'im Bi" (38).


Malbim: They will not be under His Hashgachah. Every part of the land is under the influence of a particular star. Every family dwelling on that land has a special Avodah based on the officer that rules there. Similarly, every nation has a special ruler under the Ma'arachah of stars and Mazalos - "Asher Chalak Hashem Elokecha Osam l'Chol ha'Amim (Devarim 4:19). You want to serve rocks and wood to bring influence from the star or Mazal that rules over that land.

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