
From when are the years counted?


Radak, Malbim citing Mahari: It is from Galus Yehoyachin. Every year Hashem gave to [Yechezkel] one Nevu'ah to rebuke them. Even though there were other Nevu'os amidst them, every year this was the first Nevu'ah - in year Plonis... Each was with Bnei ha'Golah, or their Zekenim. The first was in the fifth year (1:2). In the sixth year "Ziknei Yehudah were sitting in front of me" (8:1). Now in the seventh year, Ziknei Yisrael came.


What is the significance of the 10th of the fifth month?


Radak, Malbim citing Mahari: This is a hint that Yerushalayim will be destroyed at this time 1 . It was Hashgachah that they come on that day to hear rebuke, for the Mikdash was destroyed due to the sin and their fathers' sins.


Ta'anis 29a: Chachamim fixed the Ta'anis on the ninth, for the Mikdash began to burn on the ninth. R. Yochanan would have fixed it on the 10th, for the majority burned on the 10th.


What is "Lidrosh Es Hashem"?


Rashi: For their needs. If He will not heed us, we will not be punished, for He sold us, and He has no [claim] against us. If a master sold his slave, or a man divorced his wife, one has no claim on the other. We learn from the reply at the end of the Parashah "veha'Olah Al Ruchachem..." (32).


Radak: They were Tzadikim 1 who were exiled with Yehoyachin. Yechezkel was unsure if they came to ask if they will return to Eretz Yisrael.


Radak citing Seder Olam 26: The Zekenim are Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah 2 . Perhaps they came to ask about what will happen to the remnant in Eretz Yisrael - whether or not they will be exiled. Yechezkel answered "hab'Derech Avoseichem Atem Nitme'im" (30), for those who were exiled to Bavel did not serve idolatry in Galus.


Malbim citing Mahari: They wanted to pray for the Mikdash, that it not be destroyed. Hashem answered in the negative (3) - their Tefilah will not be accepted.


Radak: Even though they were Tzadikim, Yechezkel said "hab'Derech Avoseichem Atem Nitme'im" (30), just like Hashem told Moshe "Ad Anah Me'antem Lishmor Mitzvosai v'Sorosai" (Shemos 16:28).


Malbim: This is unlike I explained in Perek 14 that they were Resha'im, for Tzadikim are called Ziknei Yehudah, and not Ziknei Yisrael.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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