
Why did they anoint David? Shmuel already anointed him!


Radak: Now that they accepted him to be king over them, they anointed him.


Malbim: He was anointed only over Yehudah. It was not yet time to be king over all of Yisrael, for a second king needed to come from Binyamin (refer to Bereishis 35:11:4:2].


What is the meaning of "Leimor Anshei Yavesh Gil'ad"?


Radak #1: It is as if it says Devar Anshei Yavesh Gil'ad.


Radak #2: Invert the verse - they told him that Anshei Yavesh Gil'ad buried Sha'ul.


Why does it mention David's reaction to Anshei Yavesh Gil'ad?


Malbim: He did not act like other kings who take power, who kill all friends of the previous king and blot out all remembrance of them, to solidify their own kingship, even though David was anointed only over Yehudah. Just the contrary, he blessed Anshei Yavesh Gil'ad for risking their lives to recover Sha'ul's body!

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