
In verse 21, it says "v'Lo Avah." Why does it say her "va'Yema'en"?


Malbim: Avah is in the heart; Mi'un is verbal. Initially he did not want [to cease chasing him] in his heart. Now that Avner said 'why should I kill you and cast you to the ground?', he feared, and in his heart he wanted to turn away. However, his mouth refused, for it would be shameful [to turn away] due to Avner's threat.


What is "Acharei ha'Chanis"?


Radak: Some spears, at the end of the wood it is sharp, and a sharp iron (is attached) to insert it in the ground, like it says about Sha'ul "va'Chaniso Me'uchah va'Aretz" (1:26:7). Sometimes one strikes with it backwards - he does not turn to face his pursuer to strike him with the blade, rather, with the back. So Avner did.


What is "the fifth"?


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 49a: It is the fifth rib; the gall bladder and liver are attached to it (therefore it killed him).


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The side of his thigh. 1


Yonason translates the same below (20:10), and there it says that [Amasa's] innards came out! (PF)


Was Avner allowed to kill him?


Sanhedrin 49a: No. He was able to (aim for and) strike the fifth rib. All the more so he could have struck a limb that would not kill him!


Malbim: Yes. Asah'el was a Rodef (pursuer). Do not say that he could have stopped him by maiming a limb. He struck him with the back of the spear. One cannot aim so precisely with the back as when striking with the blade. He did not see in back of himself; by chance, he struck the fifth rib. 1


Sanhedrin 49a: Yo'av said that he was Go'el ha'Dam for Asah'el, for Avner could have struck a limb without killing him, and the Sanhedrin accepted this! (Perhaps Malbim explains that they 'accepted' it because they had clearer reasons to kill Yo'av (he killed Amasa, and supported Adoniyahu's rebellion). about which there is no room for doubt. (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Yamas Tachtav "?


Rashi: He died in that place. Radak - this is like "v'Lo Kamu Ish mi'Tachtav" (Shemos 10:23). I.e. he did not move after he was hit; he died immediately.


Why does it say "va'Ya'amodu"?


Radak: When David's men heard that Asah'el was killed, they chased after Avner. When they reached the place where Asah'el died, they stopped. Yo'av and Avishai did not stop; they pursued Avner [Malbim - for they were Go'alei ha'Dam].

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