
What is the Shevu'ah about?


Kesuvos 111a #1: There are three verses in Shir ha'Shirim of oaths that Hashem imposed. (a) Yisrael may not return to Eretz Yisrael together, by force. (b) Yisrael may not rebel against the other nations. (c) The nations may not subjugate Yisrael too harshly.


Torah Temimah citing Kesuvos 111a #2: Even an individual may not return [to Eretz Yisrael before the Ge'ulah].


Refer to 2:7:3:1.


Rav Sadya Gaon: Hashem put a Shevu'ah on Yisrael not to leave Egypt before the known deadline. Bnei Efrayim transgressed this, and many of them died (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 7:21). 1


Rashi: Yisrael forbids the nations to try to switch the love between Yisrael and Hashem, and to entice Yisrael to be drawn after them.


Rashi citing Midrash Agadah: Shlomo had Nevu'ah, and discussed Yetzi'as Mitzrayim, Matan Torah, the Mishkan, entering Eretz Yisrael, the Beis ha'Mikdash, Galus Bavel, coming to build Bayis Sheni, and its Churban 2 .


Malbim (Melitzah): Refer to 2:7:3:3.


Malbim (Mashal): Bnos Yerushalayim, who guard her, saw her connection with her beloved, and chased after her. She imposes a Shevu'ah on them not to put hatred in this love, and not to arouse it.


Perhaps "Pakod Yifkod Elokim Eschem" (Bereishis 50:25) forbids leaving before Hashem commands to leave. (PF)


Rashi: The Midrashim do not correspond to the verses.


What do we learn from "bi'Tzva'os Oh b'Ailos ha'Sadeh"?


Torah Temimah citing Kesuvos 111a: If we do not guard the oaths, Hashem will make our flesh prey for others, like flesh of deer or wild goats.


Rav Sadya Gaon: This refers to the Avos and their wives. It says Sadeh, for they sleep in Me'aras ha'Machpelah.


Rashi: If you [nations] will not guard the oath, you should be Hefker, and food for deer and wild goats.


Malbim (Melitzah): Now the Nefesh is in the Midbar, outside the city. It separated from the body, and clung to Ruchniyus and supreme intellect. The only intermediary between it and bodily powers is the Nefesh Chiyunis. Its arteries do not lie down (rest). It sends its springs via blood circulation from the heart to all arteries of the body, and they return to it. This is done rapidly to all ends of the body, 24-30 times per hour. Its rapidity is compared to deer and wild goats, which run quickly.


Malbim (Mashal): Since they are in the Midbar, where there are no people, only deer and wild goats, she imposes the Shevu'ah [on Bnos Yerushalayim] via these animals. They will be witnesses, give warning, and inform of this Shevu'ah.


What do we learn from "Im Ta'iru v'Im Te'oreru"?


Kesuvos 111a: This shows that [each of the three oaths] is two oaths! The three additional oaths forbid Yisrael (a) to reveal the time to redemption, (b) to push off the redemption 1 , (c) to reveal the secret 2 to the nations.


Rashi: "Im Ta'iru" - if you will hate. This is like "va'Yhi Arecha" (Shmuel I, 28:16), "u'Fishre l'Arach" (Daniel 4:16). V'Im Te'oreru is like Orer on a field (protest).


Malbim (Melitzah): The bodily powers began to waken from their sleep and cease the dear connection 3 . The Divine Nefesh puts an oath in Bnos Yerushalayim (bodily powers) not to cease the love of the Nefesh and its clinging to the Rock of its strength not to distance and not to bring close. Also the arousal of love via physical powers is a foreign flame. It is a love not clean of external motivations. All the more so it should not cease the love via putting hatred between her and her Lover in Shamayim, via enticing her to worldly desires and love of someone other than Him.


Rashi (111a): Via sin. This is if the text says Yircheku. Some texts say Yidcheku (do not demand redemption too strongly).


Rashi (111a): This is the secret of the calculation of leap years and months, or of the reasons for Mitzvos.


Malbim: Ru'ach ha'Kodesh rose from Shlomo, and via wakening of bodily powers, it returned to be incarcerated in physicality, like initially. This ends the first Shir.


What is "Ad she'Techpatz"?


Rashi: As long as Hashem is inserted in my heart, and He desires me. "Ad" is like "Ad sheha'Melech bi'Msibo" (1:12) - as long as He was bi'Msibo.


Seforno: It is in the merit of the generation, or at the deadline.


Malbim (Melitzah): Do not arouse the love until the Ru'ach itself is aroused to cling to Ru'ach Elokim.


Malbim (Mashal): Do not interfere with the love; it should be as the lovers desire.

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