
What is the meaning of "Samechuni ba'Ashishos"?


Torah Temimah citing Maseches Soferim 16:4: These are Halachos ha'Me'ushashos (fundamental).


Rashi: Support me with Ashishos (cakes or flasks) of grapes or clean flour, like is normally done for the ill.


Malbim (Melitzah): She requests support with flasks of wine. In this Sefer, wine is influence of Nevu'ah. After she separated from the body, with love and craving for her Beloved, nothing can support her, other than flasks of wine [of Nevu'ah] guarded in its grapes.


What is "Rafduni ba'Tapuchim"?


Torah Temimah citing Maseches Soferim 16:4: These are Divrei Torah; their scent is nice, like apples.


Rashi: Pave the floor around me with apples, for a nice scent, like is normally done for the ill. Refidah is an expression of something to lie on, like "Yirpad Charutz Alei Tit" (Iyov 41:22).


Seforno: When I engaged in Torah, its reasons and scent (it is as if He spread apples under me).


Malbim (Melitzah): She requests to spread apples under her for a good scent. In this Sefer, scent is understanding via investigation; they smell Ruchniyus Hashem from afar. Her primary support is Nevu'ah; afterwards, she will grasp Hashem's Emes also via investigation. Hashem gave to Shlomo Chachmah and a heart as wide as Chol (sand, i.e. of the sea) to understand and grow wise.


Why did she say "Ki Cholas Ahavah Ani"?


Torah Temimah citing Maseches Soferim 16:4: Before, when money was available, a person longed to hear Mishnah and Talmid. Now that money is not available, and we are ill due to the kingdom, a person longs to hear Mikra and Agados 1 .


Rashi: I am ill due to His love. I thirst for Him here in my Galus.


Malbim (Melitzah): My Nefesh clings to Hashem with wondrous craving, like a person ill because his Nefesh clings with love.


Torah Temimah: When one's mind is settled, he can hear deep Halachah. When he is distracted due to lack of food, he wants to hear Agadah, which is easy to accept. I am ill, and I detest Ahavas Hashem, so I need Agadah to support me!

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