
What is the meaning of "Ki Ein Zichron le'Chacham Im ha'Kesil"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: (This goes with "l'Olam beshe'Kevar.") There is no memory of them from the past.


Rashi: The memory of the Chacham and the Kesil are not the same after death. The Chacham is remembered for a Brachah, and the Kesil for a curse 1 .


Ibn Ezra, Ri Kara, Seforno: Neither is remembered.


R. Avigdor: It says "Zechor l'Avraham l'Yitzchak ul'Yisrael" (Shemos 32:13). It does not say Zechor l'Nimrod!


"Zecher Tzadik li'Vrachah v'Shem Resha'im Yirkav" (Mishlei 10:7). Rashi (15) explained "Lamah Chachamti" to mean 'why should I be a Tzadik' [and a Kesil is a Rasha].


Why does it say "[beshe'Kevar] ha'Yamim ha'Ba'im ha'Kol Nishkach"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: In the days to come, all will be forgotten. Ri Kara - later generations forget earlier ones.


Rashi: I see Resha'im who had great success, and in the days after them, their Gevurah and success is forgotten.


Ibn Ezra: Even if they are remembered a few days or years, afterwards all is forgotten. In this Sefer, Kevar is like Hen (i.e. like Hine).


Seforno: Also what happens now will be forgotten in the future.


Metzudas David: The word 'Chalfu' is omitted. It is as if it says ba'Asher Af Ki Kevar Chalfu ha'Yamim ha'Ba'im (even long after both died), was everything forgotten?! People still remembered their deeds - the Chacham's for praise, and the Kesil's for detriment.


What is the question "v'Eich Yamus he'Chacham Im ha'Kesil"?


Rashi: I see Chachamim who succeed in their deaths and help their children 1 , e.g. "v'Zacharti Es Brisi Yakov" (Vayikra 26:42), "Zacharti Lach Chesed Ne'urayich" (Yirmeyah 2:2].


Rashbam: This is a great loss, that they die together. Ri Kara - this is said like one who is pained over a matter - how can this be?! 2


Seforno: It cannot be that the Chacham will die without any eternal remnant, like the Kesil dies. Since "ha'Chacham Einav b'Rosho" (14), to judge the future, surely this is not via a physical power. It will not be lost, like the Kesil perishes.


Metzudas David: Since the memory of them is so different, one cannot compare their deaths.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): I.e. one cannot equate death of a Chacham (Tzadik) and of a Kesil (Rasha).


Rashbam: 'Eich' always lasts (it is not a mere Havah Amina or rhetorical question), e.g. "Eich Haysah l'Shamah", "v'Eich Nehefacht Li Surei ha'Gafen" (Yirmeyah 40:23, 2:21).

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