
What is "Devar ha'Melech v'Daso"?


Vilna Gaon (based on Targum Sheni): Initially, she hid herself. Afterwards, when they 1 saw that they did not bring Esther, they enacted that anyone who has a Na'arah and does not bring her will die (Midrash). He revealed her, and they took her Bal Korchah. Devar ha'Melech is the first [command to gather girls]. V'Daso was the decree to kill one who does not bring.


Malbim: Devar ha'Melech was to gather girls from men who would willingly hand them over. Afterwards was v'Daso - girls will be gathered Bal Korcham. Surely one who does not do so is Chayav Misah. The verse teaches that initially he was not concerned for (a) the benefit that Achashverosh will choose a girl for his wife, nor (b) the danger of transgressing the latter edict.


Targum Sheni: Sheluchim of the king who knew Esther, that she is more beautiful than all the girls being brought.


Why does it say "uv'Hikavetz"?


Vilna Gaon: Also this was only in order that all will gather.


Malbim: After many Na'aros were gathered from outside to Shushan, surely there will be a great punishment 1 for a Shushan resident who sees this and hides his beautiful girl.


Even without this, Malbim said that one who hides his daughter is Chayav Misah! Perhaps he means that his guilt is great, and surely excuses or pleas for mercy would not be heeded. (PF)


What do we learn from "va'Tilakach Esther"?


Vilna Gaon, Malbim: This shows her great Ones - she was taken against her [Malbim - and Mordechai's] will.

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