
How was the matter found?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 13b: One said 'our watches are not the same; I will guard both of them.' "The matter was investigated and it was found" - they were not found at their watches. Vilna Gaon - i.e. there was poison a far distance away. If one would go to get it, he would not return in time for his watch. The other said, our watches are at different times; I can guard yours while you are away. They found that one was guarding the other's watch.


Malbim: They found the poison 1 . This was miraculous. Surely they hid it well!


If so, how was it found that both of them conspired, and not just the one with whom poison was found? Perhaps they asked both to drink from it. Their fear or reluctance showed that they were part of the plot. Perhaps due to this question, the Gemara answered differently (refer to 2:23:1:1). (PF)


What was written in the chronicles?


Rashi: The good that Mordechai did for the king.


What is the significance that it was written in the chronicles "Lifnei ha'Melech"?


Vilna Gaon: Hashem arranged this. The chronicles are always written not in front of the king; this they wrote in front of him. We will explain why this is relevant 1 .


Malbim: Normally, Mordechai would be rewarded immediately. Hashem arranged that it be written, so the reward due to him would remain, to bring the salvation later. Also, had it been written in the general chronicles, in the hand of the second to the king, Haman would have erased it. Rather, it was written in the king's chronicles, out of Haman's reach. Also, had it not been written in front of the king, the scribe could have deviated or omitted matters.


Refer to 6:1:4:1. However, he does not explain the relevance that it was written in front of him. (PF)

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