
What is "A'idech"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Who can I gather who is (suffering) like you, that this will console you?


Rashi: How can I tell you not to be astounded at your breakage, for similarly happened to nation Ploni? Ri Kara - there is no such nation.


Ibn Ezra: Who will testify that so happened to them?


R. Avigdor from Eichah Rabah 2:17: How much did Nevi'im testify and warn you, one in the morning and one in the evening, for 90 years - "va'Ya'ad 1 " (Melachim II, 17:13), "Hashkem v'Shalo'ach" (Yirmeyah 7:25)!


R. Avigdor #1: Did I not make Shamayim and Eretz witnesses against you (Devarim 4:26, 30:19)?


R. Avigdor #2: How many ornaments did I adorn you with - "va'Edech Edi" (Yechezkel 16:11). R. Yochanan taught, at Matan Torah, two angels came to every Yisrael and gave to him ornaments - "va'Yisnatzelu Vnei Yisrael Es Edyam" (Shemos 33:6).


Palgei Mayim: There seems to be great repetition in the verse. Rather, it teaches the enormity of Yisrael's sin, punishment and consolation. What need is there to testify about your sin - it is famous! Also refer to 2:13:2:2, 2:13:3:2.


He learns 90 years from the Gematriya of "va'Ya'ad". (PF)


What is "Adameh Lach"?


R. Avigdor: What nation did I make like you? For which nation did I split the sea, bring a well and Slav, send down manna and cover with clouds?!


Palgei Mayim: No one ever had a punishment like yours.


What is "Ashveh Lach"?


Rashi: When affliction comes upon a person, one tells him 'so happened to Ploni', and this consoles him.


Palgei Mayim: No one will have a consolation like you. Yisrael will merit spiritual life higher than the angels! "Besulas Bas Tziyon" hints that in the future, all will be Tzadikim called Besulos, who never tasted sin.


Why does it say "Ki Gadol ka'Yam Shivrech Mi Yirpa Lach"?


Ibn Ezra: If the break is as great as the sea, a bandage cannot be found to heal it.


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 2:17 #1: The One to whom you said at the sea "Mi Chamocha ba'Elim Hashem" (Shemos 15:11), He will heal you.


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 2:17 #1: The One who will heal the breakage of the sea 1 , He will heal you.


Palgei Mayim: The afflictions that come upon Yisrael are compared to the sea. Just like the sea swallows all waters 2 , so Yisrael swallow all afflictions and they are not eradicated - "Chitzai Achaleh Bam" (Devarim 32:23) - My arrows will finish, and [Bnei Yisrael] will not be finished (Sotah 9a). However, the nations will be finished when their punishment comes to them. Yisrael do not have someone else to heal them- They heal themselves via Teshuvah.


Pesikta Rabasi 33: I.e. He will make the sea sweet, and not salty.


All rivers flow into the sea. (PF)

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