
Why did she say both "Eifah Likatet" and "v'Anah Asis"?


Vilna Gaon: Where did you gather so much in one day? Where did you fix it (beat the straw off the barley)?


Malbim: The great amount of Leket shows that she gathered Leket the entire day. The leftover bread and parched grain from her meal shows that she worked for someone. People do not feed Aniyim who gather Leket!


What is "Makirech"?


Rashi: The owner of the field, who let you collect in his field.


Vilna Gaon: The one who will recognize you and marry you. He will be blessed, for you are an Eshes Chayil!


Malbim: Surely, some man recognized you and you found grace in his eyes.


How will "Makirech" be blessed?


Vilna Gaon #1: He will marry you. This is a Brachah, for you are an Eshes Chayil!


Vilna Gaon #2: Refer to 2:20:1:2.


What is "Asher Asesah Imo


Rus Rabah 5:9: The Oni does more for the Ba'al ha'Bayis than the Ba'al ha'Bayis does for the Oni. It says "Asher Asisi Imo", and not Asher Asah Imi. Vilna Gaon - this is like Chazal said, if one merits, "Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha"; if not, "v'Aniyim Merudim Tavi Vayis" (Nochrim will forcibly take his money 1 ). Doing Chesed with the Oni depends only on the Oni, and not on the Ba'al ha'Bayis. If a Ba'al ha'Bayis gave a Perutah to each of two Aniyim, and one was very hungry and bought bread to sustain his life, and the other, who was not so hungry, bought something else, the rewards are different. The first is considered like sustaining the entire world (Sanhedrin 4:5)! The more that the Oni starves himself, this increases the Ba'al ha'Bayis' Mitzvah with him. If one merits, "Paros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" - Hashem sends to him a hungry Oni. Rus did a great Chesed with Bo'az - she had no food when she collected in his field, right after coming from Sedei Mo'av, and the entire day she collected and starved herself, to do a great Chesed with him. Refer to 2:20:1:2.


Malbim: Rus told her that the man did so due to the Chesed that she did with her mother-in-law and for converting. Via this I found grace in his eyes and he gave to me to eat. He considered it as if I was pleasing to him and worked for him.


Vilna Gaon: Even this is considered Tzedakah -- "v'Nogesayich Tzedakah" (Bava Basra 9a). However, it is not considered Chesed, which is greater than Tzedakah - "va'Chata'ach bi'Tzdakah Ferok va'Avasach b'Michan Anayin" (Daniel 4:24). He said to fix Chet (Shogeg) via Tzedakah, and Avon (Mezid) via Chesed.

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