
Why did she fall on her face?


Vilna Gaon: When something happens to a person against his will, his face falls. She saw that he spoke nice words to her, like one who wants to marry her 1 . Afterwards, he said "v'Cho Tidbakun Im Na'arosai" (8) - he will not marry her; her companions will be his girls, who are like Shifchos who do his work. Therefore, she fell on her face [due to disappointment]. Even so, she bowed to him for speaking nice words.


Before this, he said only "ha'Lo Shamat Biti


Why did she ask "Madu'a


Vilna Gaon #1: Normally, if one sees a man who recognizes him a little, he asks to sit with him and speaks much with him until he knows him well. However, if he does not recognize him at all, even if he looks at him many times, he will not recognize him. Why did I find grace in your eyes, that you ask me to sit here? It is in order to recognize me. This is for naught - I am Nochriyah. You never saw me!


Vilna Gaon #2: Initially, it seemed that he wants to marry her. "V'Cho Tidbakun Im Na'arosai" (8) implied unlike this. His last words implied that he wants to marry her 1 I do not know your intent!


Malbim: There are two reasons why I would find grace in your eyes. (a) You saw something good in me. (b) You know my family, and do this for their sake. Regarding the first, she asked what good did you see in me? Regarding the second, she said I am Nochriyah!


It seems that there is a printing mistake in the Vilna Gaon, and it should say like this. (PF)

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