
What is the meaning of "v'Nachal Hashem Es Yehudah"?


Rashi: He will make Yehudah His portion and inheritance. Radak ? this will be after they leave Galus and return to the Kadosh land. This is like "Ki Chelek Hashem Amo Yakov Chevel Nachalaso" (Devarim 32:9).


Malbim: In the future division of the land in Yechezkel (Perakim 45, 48), Terumah will be taken from what used to be Yehudah's portion. In that Terumah will be the Mikdash, the residents of the Kohanim and Leviyim, Yerushalayim (which will be 45 Mil from the Mikdash in the future), and the rest will be for Melech ha'Mashi'ach. Yehudah will take what is north of the Terumah. Our verse teaches that Yehudah's portion in Yehoshua's division will be Kodesh; Hashem will take it from Yehudah for His portion. .


Why does it specify "Yehudah"?


Radak #1: It is the head of Malchus Yisrael.


Radak #2: If this discusses Bayis Sheni, [only] Yehudah 1 returned from Galus.


I.e. this excludes the 10 tribes. Binyamin was exiled with Yehudah, and also many from Shimon and Levi who lived amidst Yehudah ? surely some of them returned for Bayis Sheni! (PF)


What do we learn from "u'Vachar Od bi'Yrushalayim"?


Malbim: Hashem will not change the place of the Mikdash, even though via this He will need to take Yehudah's portion, for Terumas ha'Kodesh will be 75 Mil wide, like is explained in Yechezkel 1 .


I do not understand this. Also if Hashem would change the place of the Mikdash, He would need to take from a Shevet! Also, how is this relevant to choosing Yerushalayim ? Malbim explained that Yerushalayim will be far from the Mikdash! And why is the width of Terumas ha'Kodesh pertinent? (PF)

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