
What is "Tamei Nefesh"?


Rashi: A Mes itself.


Radak (12): The garment became an Av ha'Tum'ah via a Mes.


What was this question?


Rashi: A Mes is Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah (it makes what touches it an Av ha'Tum'ah. A [regular] Av makes a Rishon.) Therefore, what is a Chamishi due to Tum'as Sheretz (there were three intermediaries between the Sheretz and the last food), in such a case of Tum'as Mes, it is a Revi'i (for the first intermediary, a Kli, became an Av).


Radak (12): The garment (an Av ha'Tum'ah) touched meat, the meat touched the loaf, Nezid, wine or oil, and another food touched [what touched the meat]. The meat was a Rishon, it made a Sheni, so the last food is a Shelishi. They answered correctly (it is Tamei).

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