
What do we learn from "Hoy Botze'a Betza Ra l'Veiso"?


Rashi: One who extorts money, it is bad for him, and to build his house [from it]. Malbim ? via this, his house and kingship will be destroyed.


Radak: Woe to Nebuchadnetzar, who stole from nations in order to build a beautiful and strong house for himself.


What is the significance of "Lasum ba'Marom Kino"?


Rashi: This is like it says in Daniel "ha'Lo Da Hi Bavel Rabesa Di Anah Venisah l'Veis Malko bi'Skof Chisni?" (4:27). When he said this, he was removed from people 1 ? "Od Milsa b'Fum Malka?" (ibid., 28)


Radak: He built a strong, tall tower to be saved from evil. He thought to be saved in it if nations will rise against him and seek his evil. He destroyed cities of nations, and brought the wood and rocks to Bavel to build his city and house. He became haughty in going in his palace (refer to 2:9:2:1).


Malbim: Because he wanted to fortify Malchus Bavel and elevate it over all kingdoms of the land, and via this to be saved from all evil, that no man will be able to take his kingship from him?


And he lived like a Chayah for seven years (Daniel 4:22).

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