
How did Hashem answer?


Radak: He answered their screams via His Nevi'im.


Malbim: He answered the nation itself, because it was in their merit.


How will He send to them grain, wine and oil?


Radak: He will make trees and vegetation sprout.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He will bless these species for you.


What do we learn from Hineni Shole'ach Lachem Es ha'Degen'?


Malbim #1: If He did for His name, and they were not worthy, it would say 'Hineni Nosen Lachem Es ha'Degen', for it is not theirs based on their deeds; it is a gift. However, since He did for their merit, it says Hineni Shole'ach. It is theirs based on their deeds, just it delayed coming.


Malbim #2: It is not a miracle for grain to sprout after it is seeded. However, after the trees and vine were destroyed, it was a miracle to send wine and oil. He would not do a miracle if it were for the sake of His name 1 !


We find that Hashem did miracles for the sake of His name, e.g. Titus' punishment after he said that Hashem has power only in water (Gitin 56b)! Perhaps here, since giving grain would suffice for the honor of His name, He would not have done a miracle to give also wine and oil. (PF)


Why does it say "u'Svatem Oso"?


Radak: It means u'Svatem Mimenu. Similarly, "Tisba'enu [va'Hakeiso]" (Mishlei 25:16) means Tisba Mimenu.


Malbim: This shows that He did for Yisrael's merit. If it were for the sake of His name, He would give their needs minimally, join to avoid Chilul Hashem.


What was "Cherpah ba'Goyim"?


Rashi: It was reviling - they called them 'lacking bread.' Malbim - also this shows that He did for Yisrael's merit. If it were for the sake of His name, He would not be concerned for their disgrace!

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