
How will Hashem remove the names of the Be'alim from her mouth?


Radak: He will unify the heart of Yisrael to fear only His name. He will help them ? 'one who comes to purify himself, [Shamayim] helps him' (Yuma 38b).


Malbim: She will not know other means of bringing influence and Brachah from her supreme Husband


Sikre'i (18) is second person. Here it says mi'Piha (third person)!


Radak: Verses often switch between second and third person.


It already said "va'Hasirosi Es Shemos ha'Be'alim mi'Piha." Why does it add "v'Lo Yizacheru Od bi'Shmam"?


Rashi #1: Also this means that Yisrael will not mention the names of the Be'alim. Radak ? the matter is repeated in different words.


Rashi #2: The Be'alim will not be called on Yisrael's name, to say 'they are gods to them.'


Rashi #3: No one will mention the names of the Be'alim ? "veha'Elilim Kalil Yachalof" (Yeshayah 2:18). Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon #1 ? even the nations will not serve idolatry ? "Ki Az Ehpoch El Amim Safah Berurah Likro Kulam b'Shem Hashem Le'avdo Shechem Echad" (Tzefanyah 3:9).


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon #2: Mi'Piha refers to the generation of the salvation; "v'Lo Yizacheru Od is for all generations afterwards. "Bi'Shmam" includes names other than Ba'al.


Malbim: The entire world will be under Hashgachas Hashem, and not under the Ma'arachah; Avodah of the Be'alim will totally cease.

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