
Why does it say "Ki Natashta Amcha Beis Yakov"?


Rashi #1: The Navi speaks to the Shechinah. Until now, You abandoned Your nation due to their sin.


Rashi #2: He rebukes Yisrael - you abandoned the good deeds via which you became an Am!


Radak: He speaks to Hashem. It was proper that You abandoned Your nation [Malbim - now they will not be Your nation, and will not be called Beis Yakov. They lost their lineage.]


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: You (Yisrael) abandoned the fear of the Strength that redeemed you. Radak - it says "Amecha", for you used to do the deeds of your nation, like Chazal said "b'Oseh Ma'ase Amecha" (Bava Metzi'a 48b).


What is the meaning of "Mal'u mi'Kedem"?


Rashi: They became full of deeds of Aramiyim, who dwell in the east, i.e. witchcraft and using the name of idolatry.


Radak: They became full of witchcraft more than people of the east. It was known that people of the east were witches and Me'onenim (diviners).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [Your land] is full of the blunder (i.e. idolatry) of those before you (the Kena'anim).


Why does it say "v'Onenim ka'Pelishtim"?


Radak: The Pelishtim were Me'onenim more than Bnei Kedem, and Yisrael were like them. Their deeds were worse than those of people before them and after them, and "Aram in front and Pelishtim in back 1 " (9:11). Malbim - due to this, they are not Amecha - "Ki Lo Nachash b'Yakov" (Bamidbar 23:23).


Malbim: That verse shows that Pelishtim were in the west.


What is the meaning of "uv'Yaldei Nochrim Yaspiku"?


Rashi: They have Bi'ah with daughters of Nochrim, mix with them and they bear children to them, and [the fathers] are always preoccupied with them. "Yaspiku" is like "Pen Yesisecha v'Safek" (Iyov 36:18).


Radak: They abandon Toras Hashem and engage in books of witchcraft and divining, and say that it is Maspik (enough) for them. These Seforim were 'born' recently - "Chadashim mi'Karov Ba'u" (Devarim 32:17). They learned them from the nations, i.e. idolaters. And the Torah, which they learned before, and they and their fathers were commanded from many years ago, they abandoned it.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They go in the etiquette of the nations.


Malbim: They marry Nochriyos and father children from them, and this is Maspik (enough) for them; they do not marry a Bas Yisrael at all. Therefore they lost the lineage of Beis Yakov, for the child of a Shifchah or Nochris is like the mother.


What are "Onenim"?


Radak: This is To'ar (kind of person 1 ), and similarly "Bnei Ananah" (57:3).


A kind of witch, like "Lo Se'onenu" (Vayikra 19:26). E.g. hesaying that this day is good to begin work, this day is bad to leave (Rashi there).

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