
Why does it say "veha'Elilim Kalil Yachalif"?


Rashi: All [the idols] will perish.


Radak: Even though idols ceased from most nations, there are still idol worshippers in the far east In the days of Mashi'ach, all idols will be totally cut off. Therefore it says Kalil. Kalil is like "Kalil Taktar" (Vayikra 6:15). Yachalif is like "Im Yachalof v'Yasgir" (Iyov 11:10), "v'Chalfah Rakaso" (Shoftim 5:26).


Malbim: Hashem will not conduct with idols like with the haughty; the haughty will merely be humbled. The idols will be totally eradicated.

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