
What is the meaning of "Teyaserech Ra'asech"?


Rashi: In the end, your evil will bring afflictions on you.


Radak: After you tested several times [and saw that] when you do evil, evil comes on you - this itself is your evil!


Malbim: Tochachah is verbal; it comes to return one to the good path in the future. Yesur is with harsh words or afflictions, and chastises for the past, or strongly return to the good in the future. A Mochi'ach clarifies his words, to explain the good or benefit that will come from heeding his words. Usually, the benefit is not in the matter itself, rather, external to it. E.g. a father tells his son 'do not eat bad foods, lest you get sick' - the illness is external to the bad foods, just they cause it. Meyaser is with sticks; they are not caused via the sin. They are due to the will of the Meyaser. He says, if you do not listen, I will hit you. Here it says that your bad path caused the Yesurim; it is not via [external] sticks!


Malbim (26): This is a command. You should regret the evil itself, and not only the punishment that comes for it!


What is the meaning of "Meshuvosayich Tochichuch"?


Rashi: Meshuvosayich is like "Banim Shovavim" (3:14; wayward children). Tochichuch is an expression of Musar (chastising).


Radak: When you rebel against Me, enemies rule over you - this itself is your rebellion! This should be rebuke and chastisement not to return to the evil path.


Malbim: Refer to 2:19:1:3. Here, the Tochachah is not via informing you of the evil caused through your rebellion, rather, your rebellion itself rebukes you! If you will open your eye, you will see that your path is evil itself, even if damage would not result from it. Tochachah acts on knowledge - it proves that the matter is evil. Yesurim act on seeing and feeling the pain.


Why did He say "u'De'i uR'i Ki Ra v'Mar Azvech Es Hashem"?


Radak: You tested and saw abandoning Hashem is bitter (evil comes on you).


Malbim: Know that abandoning Hashem is evil itself, and bitter due to the punishment that comes for it (evil comes on you).


Why does it say "Lo Pachdasi Elayich"?


Rashi: It was not in your heart to fear Me. Radak - fear of Me was not on you. You did not fear lest I punish you for your evil deeds. 1


Malbim: Abandoning Hashem is evil and bitter; fear of Me is not evil and bitter. You abandoned Avodas Hashem because it seemed to you hard, evil and bitter. See that My fear on you was good and sweet, for when you feared Me, you were free from all Avodah, and succeeded unlike now that you abandoned My fear, and you feared idols!


Radak: Pachdasi is a noun, like Pachdah, Ahavah, Achavah.

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