
Why did they say that the city is in a good place? It causes people to die!


Rashi citing Sotah 47a: This teaches that a place has grace in the eyes of its residents.


What was bad about the water?


Malbim: Foreign salty matters became mixed with it, so it was not proper to drink, like sea water. Refer to 2:20:1:2.


What is the meaning of "Meshakeles"?


Rashi: [Because the water is bad,] it causes death [of the residents]. Radak - many died from drinking it.


If Yericho had bad water and caused people to die, why did they desire it and transgress the Cherem to rebuild it? And why didn't Eliyahu cure it? And why did the residents remain there?


Radak: The water became bad only recently, due to the evil of the city's residents; they died from drinking it.


Radak citing Yalkut Shimoni 207: It was cursed due to Yehoshua's curse 1 . Eliyahu cursed it further due to Chi'el's act (rebuilding it), when Chi'el's sons died, and Eliyahu and Achav went to visit him.


He finished rebuilding it just before the three years of famine, which were towards the end of Eliyahu's days on earth. (PF)

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