
What is "b'Sa'arah"?


Rashi: It is in a stormy wind.


Here it says only that there was a Sa'arah. Below (verse 11), it mentions only chariots and horses of fire [before saying that a Sa'arah lifted him]!


Radak: Below, it says what Elisha saw. He did not see the wind. The wind lifted him from the ground to the air, like it lifts light things. Through Hashem's will, it lifted Eliyahu to the ball of fire. It burned his clothes, except for his scarf, and consumed his flesh and bones; his Ru'ach returned to Hashem, Who gave it. Elisha saw chariots and horses of fire, to teach that when Eliyahu ascends, the chariots and horsemen of Yisrael ascended (were lost). And so Elisha said "Avi Avi Rechev Yisrael u'Farashav" (verse 12). People and Chazal say that he entered Gan Eden with his body, like Adam ha'Rishon before he sinned. Also Chanoch entered. A Midrash 1 says that 10 entered Gan Eden while alive.


Initially, verse 11 mentions what separated Elisha from Eliyahu. The Sa'arah did not separate between them. (PF)


Otzar Midrashim (Eser Galuyos p.437). Derech Eretz 1:1 and Yalkut Shimoni (Bereishis 42) list eight, and also Chiram Melech Tzur or R. Yehoshua ben Levi.

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