
What are the implications of the Pasuk "u'Shemartem es Kol Chukosai ... Va'asisem osam"?


Seforno: It implies that if you will study Hashem's Chukim and Mishpatim and learn how correct they are, you will go on to fulfill them.


Moshav Zekenim: ;Go in Hashem's ways - because He judges fairly? loves converts, honors elders, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and bestows Chesed upon Chasanim, the dead and the poor.


Oznayim la'Torah: Since this Parshah was said be'Hakheil (Refer to 19:2:1:1) people might mistakenly think that it incorporates the entire Torah; therefore the Torah writes "u'Shemartem es Kol Chukosai ... ", 1 implying that, besides the sixty Mitzvos presented here, there are more Mitzvos that one is obligated to fulfil. 2


And it is for the same reason that the Torah repeats the same basic statement later at the end of Parshas Arayos, in 20:8, because the ten Mitzvos that comprise Parshas Arayos were included in "Hakheil es ha'Am" - despite the break in between the two groups.'


Oznayim la'Torah: In the same way as the Kohen Gadol announced on Yom Kipur after Keri'as ha'Torah - See Yoma, 68b.


Why does the Torah add "Ani Hashem" here?


Seforno: To teach us that one should take care not to add to the Mitzvos or subtract from them, since Hashem's deeds and His Mitzvos are perfect and are therefore not subject to addition 1 or subtraction.


He refers to adding or subtracting and considering the result to be a Torah Mitzvah, because only the Chachamim are instructed to add and to make fences around the Torah, as the Gemara states in Mo'ed Katan 5a - "Asu Mishmeres le'Mishmarti!" (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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