
What does the La'av of "Al Techalel es Bitcha Lehaznosah" entail? What is the status of the daughter?


Rashi (citing Sanhedrin, 76a), Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: It is a La'av against handing over one's unmarried daughter for prostitution 1 to have relations with a man without Kidushin. 2


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: It is a La'av against giving one's daughter to a man with whom Kidushin cannot take effect - a Nochri, a slave or an Ervah of Chayvei Kerisos. 3


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: According to many sources, this does not render her a Zonah - yet the Torah writes "Lehaznosah"? See answer #2, Ramban, DH 'Aval ha'Beraisa' and R. Chavel's footnotes. See also Torah Temimah, note 224 and and see note 2.


The wording of the Rashbam and of Targum Yonasan suggest that the Torah is talking, not about a one-off incident, but about placing one's daughter in a brothel for ongoing prostitution. See also Oznayim la'Torah, DH 'Lehaznosah'.


Ramban: Since relations with them render her a Zonah. See Ramban, DH 've'Rashi Kasav'.


Why does the Torah add the word " Al Techalel Es Bitcha Lehaznosah "?


Ramban: Refer to 19:29:1:2.


Refer to 19:29:1:2 1 .


Sanhedrin, 77a #1: To confine the La'av to a profanation concerning immorality and not concerning the Kehunah. 2


Sanhedrin 77a #2 (according to R. Eliezer): It pertains to marrying off one's daughter to an old man (who cannot have children).


Sanhedrin 77a #3 (according to R. Akiva): It pertains to waiting for one's daughter to become a Bogeres 3 before marrying her off. 4


Because we would otherwise have thought that a Kohen transgresses the La'av by merely marrying off his daughter to a Bas Levi or a Bas Yisrael.See Torah Temimah, note 223.


Refer also to 19:29:3:3.


See Torah Temimah, note 225. Refer also to 19:29:2:3.


What is the meaning of the continuation of the Pasuk "ve'Lo Sizneh ha'Aretz ... "?


Rashi: 'If you do so, the land will be Mezaneh (disloyal) and produce its fruit in a different country'. 1


Ramban: It is a La'av against a man living with a woman and a woman living with a man, without Kidushin. 2


Targum Yonasan: It means that one should not delay marrying off one's daughters close to when they come of age, 3 to prevent her from being Mezaneh with Nochrim of the land and filling it with Z'nus. 4


Moshav Zekenim #1: The Torah is incorporating the adulterer and the daughter in the prohibition.


Moshav Zekenim #2 (citing R. Eliezer of Garmaiza): This is Midah k'Neged Midah. Just as the man thinks that his wife is with him in the covenant, but she is commiting adultery with other men, so too, will the land follow suite - We think that it is producing fruit, but it is - producing it elsewhere. 5


Yevamos, 37b #1: It refers to a man having relations with a number of woman or a woman having relations with many men, and they do not know who is the father of the children who are subsequently born - with the result that the son of one of them marries the daughter of the other - and they go on to fill the earth with Mamzerim.


Yevamos, 37b #2: It refers to Reuven marrying one woman in one country and another woman in another country, out of concern that one day, the two meet and unknowingly the son of one of them marries the daughter of the other - and subsequently go on to fill the earth with Mamzerim. 6


Rashi: As the Pasuk writes in Yirmiyah, 3:3. Moshav Zekenim: Because the Torah does not say that the people of the land will be Mezaneh, but the land itself.


See also R. Chavel's footnotes.


Peirush Yonason: When they become Bogros (at age twelve and a half). Refer also to 19:29:1.1:5


Refer also to 19:25:1.1:3.


As the Navi writes in Yeshayah 24:5 - "veha'Aretz Chanfah Tachas Yoshvehah".


See Torah Temimah, note 226, who elaborates.


Why does the Torah add the phrase "u'Mal'ah ha'Aretz Zimah"?


Yevamos, 37b: To convey the results of a promiscuous lifestyle. 1


Refer to 19:29:2:7. See also Oznayim la'Torah, DH 'Al Techalel es Bitcha ... '?


What is the definition of the word "Zimah"?


Nedarim, 51a: It is the acronym of "Zu Mah Hi?" - What is the status of this woman? And it translates as '(adulterous) perversion'.

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