
Why does it say "Yaser Bincha Ki Yesh Tikvah"?


R. Yonah: Do not despair when you see that he is stubborn [and refuses] to accept Musar, and say that there is no hope. There is hope, if you constantly give to him Musar. Hope that it will help, and trust that he will attain.


Malbim: Do not say that there is no hope, for he already went on an evil path, and refrain from chastising him. There is hope!


What is the meaning of "v'El Hamiso Al Tisa Nafshecha"?


Rashi: Do not strike him a lethal blow.


R. Yonah: It should not be bad in your heart [to hit him], and do not have mercy to his crying to withhold your staff due to this. "Hamiso" has the same grammatical form as "Sheviso" (Yirmeyah 49:39) and "Vechiso" (Bereishis 50:4); its root is Hamah.


Malbim (19): Do not think that he will surely die death of the Nefesh, for there is no cure for him.

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